Monday, March 26, 2012


Well, we have most of our itinerary planned and booked! Praise God he opened doors so quickly! We are in the process of fundraising the money to be able to go. Julie and I both need to raise over $4,500 to cover the expenses to go. If you would like to support us financially you can give online at click on give and then designate your gift to
Kenya- Jenny Sheets     or  Kenya- Julie Sadowski

We also had these bracelets made. They are $5. We are hoping that they will be a reminder to pray for the people of Kenya, the kids at Little Eden and us as we prepare, and go this summer. The front of the bracelet  says Kenya and the back says James 1:27. If you would like one please let us know!

Only 82 more days until we go!!

Asante Sana!

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